Internal medicine doctor or internist is a doctor who handles various complaints and health problems in adult patients and the elderly. The treatment includes all internal organs.
The title of specialist in internal medicine or SpPD is given to doctors who have taken and completed the Specialization Program of Internal Medicine. Internal medicine is medical science that deals with adults and the elderly, including non-surgical diseases, covering almost the entire human body with various complaints and symptoms of the disease.
Clinically, the field of internal medicine is divided into several subspecialties. Each subspecialist doctor (Consultant) of internal medicine will handle the disease in accordance with their scientific fields, namely:
Clinical Allergy-Immunology (Sp.PD-KAI)
Specialist doctors in allergic and immunology consultants have special expertise in handling various diseases caused by allergies and immune disorders, including anaphylactic reactions, asthma, allergic rhinitis, urticaria or hives, angioedema, atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, food allergies, drug allergies drugs, pulmonary immunological diseases, and organ transplant reactions (graft versus host response).
Nephrology; Kidney-Hypertension (Sp.PD-KGH)
Specialists in kidney disease consultants - hypertension is a doctor who specializes in dealing with health problems related to kidney, high blood pressure, and imbalance of fluids and minerals in the body.
Diseases treated include acute kidney failure, chronic kidney failure, diabetic nephropathy, glomerular diseases such as glomerulonephritis, prostatic hyperplasia, hypertension, nephritic syndrome, polycystic kidney disease, urinary tract infections, pyelonephritis, and kidney stones.
Gastroenterology-Hepatology (Sp.PD-KGEH)
This specialist in internal medicine has the task of handling problems in the digestive system, such as the stomach, pancreas, intestine, liver, and gallbladder.
Some of the diseases handled include hernias, esophageal achalasia, gastritis, malabsorption, food intolerance, hepatitis, liver failure, fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, inflammation of the ducts and gallbladder, inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids, constipation, and gastrointestinal cancers such as colorectal cancer.
Geriatric (Sp.PD-KGer)
Geriatric disease specialist doctors are tasked with dealing with various complaints and health problems in the elderly, such as geriatric syndrome, malnutrition in the elderly, delirium, immobility, urinary incontinence, sleep disorders, dementia, sexual dysfunction, orthostatic hypotension, heart failure, hypertension, syncope , infections in the elderly such as pneumonia and urinary tract infections, Parkinson's disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and diabetes.
Hematology - Medical Oncology (Sp.PD-KHOM)
Specialists in diseases in hematology-oncology consultants carry out tasks in dealing with various health problems related to blood, spleen organs, and various types of cancer. Some of the diseases handled include iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia, aplastic anemia, polycythemia, hemophilia, bone marrow abnormalities, lymphoma, leukemia, melanoma, and sarcoma.
Cardiovascular (Sp.PD-KKV)
Specialists in cardiovascular disease consultants are tasked with diagnosing and providing treatment around heart and blood vessel disease in adults, such as heart disease, cardiogenic shock, cardiac arrest, myocarditis, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, heart rhythm disorders, congenital heart disease, valvular disease, valvular disease heart disease, hypertension, blood vessel abnormalities, cardiac tumors, and idiopathic cardiomyopathy.
Endocrine-Metabolic-Diabetes (Sp.PD-KEMD)
The subspecialty of internal medicine has the task of handling various problems related to the endocrine (gland) system and metabolic disorders. Some of the health problems handled include hormonal disorders, hypothalamic and pituitary disorders, hypercalcemia, hypocalcemia, thyroid disorders, goiter, diabetes mellitus, adrenal gland disease, reproductive disorders related to hormonal disorders, and obesity.
Pulmonology (Sp.PD-KP)
Pulmonology consultant specialists handle complaints and treatment related to respiratory system diseases. Several types of diseases that can be treated by a pulmonologist include pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung cancer, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, COPD, emphysema, pulmonary embolism, respiratory failure, pleural effusion, and cystic fibrosis.
Rheumatology (Sp.PD-KR)
Specialist doctors in rheumatology consultants have special expertise in dealing with various health problems related to diseases of the joints, muscles, bones, and connective tissue such as tendons. Some of the diseases handled include joint trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, SLE (lupus disease), systemic sclerosis, rheumatic fever, fibromyalgia, sarcoidosis, vasculitis, and osteomyelitis.
Psychosomatic (Sp.PD-KPsi)
This subspecialty in internal medicine deals with a variety of psychosomatic disorders, such as anxiety disorders, panic disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, tension headaches, erectile dysfunction and psychogenic sexual dysfunction, and pain or impaired bodily functions related to psychological disorders.
Tropical-Infectious Diseases (Sp.PD-KPTI)
Specialist doctors in tropical-infectious disease consultants focus on managing infectious diseases, both those caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, as well as providing preventive medicine. Some of the diseases handled by this doctor include sepsis, dengue hemorrhagic fever, chikungunya, rubella, toxoplasmosis, rabies, malaria, worm infections, filariasis, systemic fungal infections, typhoid fever, tetanus, anthrax, gastroenteritis and food poisoning due to infection.
Competencies or Medical Actions Can Be Done by Internal Medicine Specialists
The following are medical actions that can be performed by specialists in internal medicine, including:- Evaluate symptoms in patients, to diagnose an illness.
- Provide basic preventive health services, such as adult vaccinations, make efforts to reduce risk factors for disease, assess the success of therapy, and plan for follow-up.
- Perform physical examinations and assess the results of supporting examinations, such as blood tests, electrocardiograms (ECGs), pulmonary function examinations, analysis of body fluids such as urine and sputum, X-rays, ultrasound, and CT scans.
- Provide treatment related to the diagnosis and condition of the patient.
- Together with nutritionists, regulate nutrition intake and management of nutrition related to certain diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, obesity, and chronic kidney disease.
- Provide treatment in critical situations and medical emergencies.
- Field of clinical immunology allergy: adult vaccinations, allergy tests for example with prick tests and skin tests for certain drugs and substances.
- Diabetic endocrinology fields: examination of blood glucose, treatment of diabetic foot injuries, monitoring of blood sugar levels during administration of antidiabetic drugs, and aspiration of thyroid cysts.
- Gastroenterohepatology: installation of nasogastric tubes (NGT), withdrawal of fluid in the abdominal cavity, abdominal ultrasound.
- Geriatric field: assessment of elderly patients, treatment of pressure sores, management of medical disorders in the elderly including nutritional and psychological aspects.
- Kidney field of hypertension: installation of folley catheters, hemodialysis (dialysis).
- Field of hematology-medical oncology: bone marrow aspiration, bone marrow biopsy, assessment of imaging and radionuclear examination results, blood transfusion, managing active bleeding, administration of anticancer agents (standard chemotherapy), biologic therapy and supportive therapy in cancer.
- Cardiovascular fields: electrocardiography (ECG), basic cardiac life support, peripheral venous catheter placement, and treatment of heart and blood vessel disease.
- Pulmonology: pulmonary function tests, withdrawal of fluid in the lung cavity with or without ultrasound guidance, steam therapy, oxygen therapy, interpretation of chest X-ray examination.
- Psychosomatic field: psychotherapy and traces the physical and psychological condition of the patient.
- Rheumatology: taking fluid and injecting drugs into joints in various large joints such as the knee, providing treatment related to rheumatology.
- Tropics of infection: blood, urine, pus, and feces sampling in infectious diseases, prevention of nosocomial infections, use of antibiotics, and control of antibiotic resistance.
Roles and Duties of Internal Medicine Specialists
Here are some roles and tasks of a specialist in internal medicine:- Diagnose and treat diseases in adults and the elderly, both acute and chronic, through non-surgical measures.
- Provide treatment recommendations for illnesses suffered by adult patients and the elderly.
- Providing an understanding of general health to patients, including how to maintain health and prevent disease.
When to Visit an Internal Medicine Specialist?
Usually someone needs to see a specialist in internal medicine based on referrals from general practitioners regarding the symptoms experienced. An internist can also refer the patient to an internal medicine specialist consultant if needed. For example, when a doctor finds that your gallbladder has cancer, an internist can refer you to a gastroenterologist for a consultation and decide what treatment is appropriate to handle it. A gastroenterologist can then refer you to a surgeon for removal of the gallbladder if necessary. In addition to a referral from a general practitioner, you can also see an internist in person if you are sure that your symptoms and illnesses require an internist's treatment, or when you need a second opinion on a previous diagnosis. Considering the specialist in managing diseases in almost all diseases related to organs and organ systems, it is recommended that you see or consult an internist when you:- You have any complaints or symptoms that affect the body's systems and organs. For example, if the symptoms experienced are related to disorders of the digestive system, respiratory system, or heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular).
- The symptoms that you experience are very broad and complex.
- You need long term comprehensive care.
- You need preventative treatment for certain diseases, either due to genetic risk factors or environmental risk factors.
Which Must Be Prepared when Seeing a Specialist in Internal Medicine
Important things that need to be prepared before meeting a specialist in internal medicine, among others, is a record of the questions you want to ask and a history of complaints or symptoms suffered. If there is, also bring the results of tests that you did before, for example the results of blood tests, X-rays, or CT scans. Don't forget to ask about the treatment options available, and the level of success and risk of each treatment. In addition to these preparations, some things you should consider in choosing an internist include:- The location and distance of the hospital or doctor's office from home, bearing in mind that it may be that at any time the symptoms you experience require emergency medical treatment.
- You can ask for recommendations from several internal medicine doctors, either from the general practitioner who examined you or from relatives. Make sure the doctor you choose is able to communicate well in explaining matters related to your illness and the steps you need to handle.
- The facilities and services are good, complete, and friendly.
- If you want to take advantage of BPJS or insurance you have, make sure the hospital is affiliated with BPJS or your insurance provider.
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